We store sustainably generated energy for industry in high-temperature salt storage facilities and make it available on demand.
We store sustainably generated energy for industry in high-temperature salt storage facilities and make it available on demand.
MWh Storage capacity
m² Space requirements
Tons of salt
Daniel is a master craftsman in precision engineering and is currently completing further training as a mechanical engineering technician. He already has extensive experience in prototype construction. Having supervised various projects in the field of renewable energies and automation technology, he has acquired specific expertise in this area.
Our services
We plan and design an initial concept to secure your energy supply sustainably.
Wir stehen Ihnen in verschiedenen Projektphasen zur Verfügung, um bei der Entscheidungsfindung zu helfen.
Throughout the project, we ensure that milestones are met.
We supply energy storage systems and forecasts on a scientific basis.
The suitable partner for your next project
Climate-neutral steam generation through high-temperature salt storage.
Favorable alternative to fossil fuels.
Storage of up to 200 MWh.
The technology has been in use worldwide for a decade.